Video 1

Movie S1. Live imaging movie of Dronpa, rsKame, and mEos2. EpH4 cells were transfected with Dronpa, rsKame, or mEos2 targeted to the outer mitochondrial membrane. Dronpa- and rsKame-labeled cells were illuminated with 488-nm light only, whereas mEos2-labeled cells were illuminated simultaneously by 488 nm and 405 nm. Single-molecule fluorescence events are more clearly distinguishable for rsKame than Dronpa owing to the slower 488 nm-induced photo-switching of rsKame. The video shows a small fraction of the whole cell’s mitochondrial population under illumination.

Optimized two-color super resolution imaging of Drp1 during mitochondrial fission with a slow-switching Dronpa variant

Alyssa B. Rosenbloom, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Milton To, Antony Lee, Jae Yen Shin, and Carlos Bustamante

PNAS. 2014. 111:13093-13098 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1320044111