Movie S4.

Time-lapse imaging of SDP1 in hypocotyl of vps29 seedlings at 8 DAG. vps29 mutant seedlings expressing GFP–SDP1 were grown on MS medium with 1% (wt/vol) sucrose. At 8 DAG, seedlings were treated with Nile Red and imaged with a spinning disk confocal microscope (Leica) during 15 min. Green labeling corresponds to GFP–SDP1 and red labeling to OBs. (Scale bars: 5 µm.) Along with Movies S1–S3, this movie relates to Fig. 4.

Peroxisome extensions deliver the Arabidopsis SDP1 lipase to oil bodies

Nelcy Thazar-Poulot, Martine Miquel, Isabelle Fobis-Loisy, and Thierry Gaude

PNAS. 2015. 112:4158-4163 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1403322112