Video 2

Movie S2. In vivo visualization of synthetic smoke showing tidal flow. Endoscopic video (left circle) of synthetic smoke moving in the caudal chamber of a green iguana at the plane illustrated in Fig. 2 D and E. During exhalation particles of smoke move at slow speed craniad (toward the upper left-hand corner of the field of view). During inhalation a high-velocity stream of smoke emanates rapidly caudad (toward the lower right hand field of view). Airflow at the nares was measured with a pneumotachograph (right panel). Expiration is negative.

New insight into the evolution of the vertebrate respiratory system and the discovery of unidirectional airflow in iguana lungs

Robert L. Cieri, Brent A. Craven, Emma R. Schachner, and C. G. Farmer

PNAS. 2014. 111:17218-17223 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1405088111