Movie S1.

Representative pigeon spinning cell. Cells dissociates were screened with a 10-mT field using magnetoscope A to identify cells with magnetic properties. The spinning cell displayed here was located in the inner ear lagena. The cell initially spins clockwise, and then anticlockwise following a change in the direction of the rotating field. See also Fig. 1 A–C.

No evidence for intracellular magnetite in putative vertebrate magnetoreceptors identified by magnetic screening

Nathaniel B. Edelman, Tanja Fritz, Simon Nimpf, Paul Pichler, Mattias Lauwers, Robert W. Hickman, Artemis Papadaki-Anastasopoulou, Lyubov Ushakova, Thomas Heuser, Guenter P. Resch, Martin Saunders, Jeremy A. Shaw, and David A. Keays

PNAS. 2014. 112:262-267 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1407915112