Video 2

Movie S2. WT worms on hmgs-1 RNAi with 20 mM mevalonate. A movie of 30 frames per second showing day-1 adult WT worms grown from egg to adulthood on hmgs-1 RNAi in the presence of 20 mM mevalonate. The severe hmgs-1 RNAi phenotypes shown in Movie S1 are fully rescued by the supplementation of mevalonate. This rescue demonstrates that hmgs-1 knockdown phenotypes stem from an impaired mevalonate pathway flux. This result links HMGS-1 activity directly to the mevalonate pathway.

Controlled sumoylation of the mevalonate pathway enzyme HMGS-1 regulates metabolism during aging

Amir Sapir, Assaf Tsur, Thijs Koorman, Kaitlin Ching, Prashant Mishra, Annabelle Bardenheier, Lisa Podolsky, Ulrike Bening-Abu-Shach, Mike Boxem, Tsui-Fen Chou, Limor Broday, and Paul W. Sternberg

PNAS. 2014. 111:E3880-E3889 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1414748111