Movie S3.

Overlapping expression of ephrinB2-H2b-eGFP and BMX(PAC)-CreERT2 induced mT/mG. Optical z-stack from two-photon imaging of the cortical surface of the brain of a BMX(PAC)-CreERT2; mTmG; ephrin-B2-H2b-eGFP mutant mouse following perfusion with Alexa-647–labeled tomato lectin. Green channel: ephrin-B2-H2b-eGFP and BMX(PAC)-CreERT2 activated mT/mG reporter; red channel: lectin perfusion. Note that the BMX(PAC)-CreERT2 reporter ends in the large arterioles before ephrin-B2-H2b-eGFP capillaries.

Constitutively active Notch4 receptor elicits brain arteriovenous malformations through enlargement of capillary-like vessels

Patrick A. Murphy, Tyson N. Kim, Lawrence Huang, Corinne M. Nielsen, Michael T. Lawton, Ralf H. Adams, Chris B. Schaffer, and Rong A. Wang

PNAS. 2014. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1415316111