Movie S2.

Fabrication of hydrogel layer on both sides of the paper scaffold. Both sides of the paper substrate were modified with PSMa, PLL, and calcium chloride. After complete alginate gelation [1% (wt/vol)] on one side with red food-coloring reagent, the other side was exposed to another type of alginate solution [1% (wt/vol)] with yellow food-coloring reagent. Double-layered alginate hydrogels were formed.

Hydrogel-laden paper scaffold system for origami-based tissue engineering

Su-Hwan Kim, Hak Rae Lee, Seung Jung Yu, Min-Eui Han, Doh Young Lee, Soo Yeon Kim, Hee-Jin Ahn, Mi-Jung Han, Tae-Ik Lee, Taek-Soo Kim, Seong Keun Kwon, Sung Gap Im, and Nathaniel S. Hwang

PNAS. 2015. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1504745112