Movie S5.

Inflation of a combined soft actuator–sudden internal volume flow. Inflation of a combined soft actuator consisting of two interconnected fluidic segments, characterized by (Lbraid,Ltube)=(44,30) and (48,26) mm. In the experiment, we inflated the segment with water at a rate of 20 mL/min. For this system two instabilities at constant volume are triggered. The first one occurs at v=16 mL and results in the release of ∼10% of the stored elastic energy and in a sudden internal volume flow. The second instability is triggered at v=24 mL, causing some fluid to flow back.

Amplifying the response of soft actuators by harnessing snap-through instabilities

Johannes T. B. Overvelde, Tamara Kloek, Jonas J. A. D’haen, and Katia Bertoldi

PNAS. 2015. 112:10863-10868 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1504947112