Movie S1.

GIP1 dynamics at the nuclear envelope in an Arabidopsis root meristematic cell expressing GIP1-GFP. Bleach was performed after the first two frames. The images were analyzed by confocal time-lapse microscopy (LSM 780; Zeiss). Frames were taken every 10.23 s during 5.45 min.

Arabidopsis MZT1 homologs GIP1 and GIP2 are essential for centromere architecture

Morgane Batzenschlager, Inna Lermontova, Veit Schubert, Jörg Fuchs, Alexandre Berr, Maria A. Koini, Guy Houlné, Etienne Herzog, Twan Rutten, Abdelmalek Alioua, Paul Fransz, Anne-Catherine Schmit, and Marie-Edith Chabouté

PNAS. 2015. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1506351112