Movie S3.

Live contractile hPSC-CM (the cell in Movie S1) imaged by fluorescence microscopy. This cell expresses Lifeact, which labels actin in myofibrils. The nucleus is labeled with Hoechst. Sarcomeres shorten along the pattern/cell major axis.

Contractility of single cardiomyocytes differentiated from pluripotent stem cells depends on physiological shape and substrate stiffness

Alexandre J. S. Ribeiro, Yen-Sin Ang, Ji-Dong Fu, Renee N. Rivas, Tamer M. A. Mohamed, Gadryn C. Higgs, Deepak Srivastava, and Beth L. Pruitt

PNAS. 2015. 112:12705-12710 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1508073112