Movie S9.

Negligible myofibril buckling in a live engineered hPSC-CM presented in Appendix, Fig. S9B (fourth from the left), with high lateral registry of sarcomeres between adjacent myofibrils. The cell was cultured on a 6-kPa substrate. Myofibril buckling occurs in the relaxed state of the contractile cycle.

Contractility of single cardiomyocytes differentiated from pluripotent stem cells depends on physiological shape and substrate stiffness

Alexandre J. S. Ribeiro, Yen-Sin Ang, Ji-Dong Fu, Renee N. Rivas, Tamer M. A. Mohamed, Gadryn C. Higgs, Deepak Srivastava, and Beth L. Pruitt

PNAS. 2015. 112:12705-12710 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1508073112