Movie S3.

Controlled lysis of individual diatoms to create DOM hotspots. A chain of C. affinis is shown in time-lapse images captured each 15 s via phase microscopy (Left) and epifluorescence microscopy (Right). Time labels denote hours:minutes:seconds. Before image capture, the diatom had been exposed to continuous fluorescent light for ∼5 min to stimulate cell lysis. Plasmolysis was confirmed by the intracellular accumulation of a polar fluorescent dye (SYTOX Green) that permeates compromised cell membranes (at 00:02:00 and again at 00:31:30). For this visualization, no bacteria were added and small particles were inherent to the diatom culture media. A subset of images from this movie are shown in Fig. S2. (Scale bar, 50 μm.)

Chemotaxis toward phytoplankton drives organic matter partitioning among marine bacteria

Steven Smriga, Vicente I. Fernandez, James G. Mitchell, and Roman Stocker

PNAS. 2016. 113:1576-1581 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1512307113