Movie S2.

Time lapse RICM and epifluorescence movie of a retracting filopodia of a cell resulting in the clustering of E-cad-ECD on an E-cad-ECD functionalized partially fluid DPPC+NBD-PC bilayer.

E-cadherin junction formation involves an active kinetic nucleation process

Kabir H. Biswas, Kevin L. Hartman, Cheng-han Yu, Oliver J. Harrison, Hang Song, Adam W. Smith, William Y. C. Huang, Wan-Chen Lin, Zhenhuan Guo, Anup Padmanabhan, Sergey M. Troyanovsky, Michael L. Dustin, Lawrence Shapiro, Barry Honig, Ronen Zaidel-Bar, and Jay T. Groves

PNAS. 2015. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1513775112