Movie S3.

Tubulin tracker does not colocalize with cutaneous axons in 2-dpf larva. Shown are three timelapse sequences of 12 h each, starting 20 min after tubulin tracker injection into a larva transiently expressing CREST3:Gal4UAS_tdTomato, with z stacks recorded every 20 min. (Sequence 1) Bright field image, axons (red) and tubulin tracker (green). (Sequence 2) Tubulin tracker alone. (Sequence 3) Axons (red) and tubulin tracker (green). (Sequence 4) CREST3:tdTomato. Axons do not colocalize with tubulin tracker.

Paclitaxel-induced epithelial damage and ectopic MMP-13 expression promotes neurotoxicity in zebrafish

Thomas S. Lisse, Leah J. Middleton, Adriana D. Pellegrini, Paige B. Martin, Emily L. Spaulding, Olivia Lopes, Elizabeth A. Brochu, Erin V. Carter, Ashley Waldron, and Sandra Rieger

PNAS. 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1525096113