Movie S3.

Spatiotemporal prediction of resting-state hemodynamics in awake mouse brain using deconvolution. From Left to Right are shown concurrent hemodynamically corrected Thy1-GCaMP6f ΔF/F, Δ[HbT], hemodynamic prediction using a deconvolution-based HRF, and the residual difference between the measurement and prediction. Both corrected GCaMP ΔF/F and Δ[HbT] were bandpass filtered from 0.02 to 2 Hz. Movie corresponds to the entire 60-s resting-state dataset for the epoch shown in Fig. 3B. The animal was not running during this trial. Patterns of increases and decreases in ∆[HbT] over the entire field of view can be seen to be mirrored between measured hemodynamic data and data modeled from simultaneously acquired neural activity recorded via Thy1-GCaMP fluorescence data.

Resting-state hemodynamics are spatiotemporally coupled to synchronized and symmetric neural activity in excitatory neurons

Ying Ma, Mohammed A. Shaik, Mariel G. Kozberg, Sharon H. Kim, Jacob P. Portes, Dmitriy Timerman, and Elizabeth M. C. Hillman

PNAS. 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1525369113