Movie S2.

Location of TAFs in growing tumors. Using the multicolor tumor model shown in Fig. S7, a Z stack was generated from a 12-d MC38-Cerulean tumor by acquiring 17 images (optical slices) at 3.01-μm intervals (total depth of 51 μm). A 3D reconstruction of the resulting 51-μm-thick tumor section was generated using Imaris. The different cellular compartments fade away to reveal the location of the TAFs in the 3D structure. Cells fade away in the following order: blue cancer cells, yellow BM-derived stromal cells, and red-only non-BM stromal cells, such that at the end of the movie only the green TAFs are visible.

Tumor-associated fibroblasts predominantly come from local and not circulating precursors

Ainhoa Arina, Christian Idel, Elizabeth M. Hyjek, Maria-Luisa Alegre, Ying Wang, Vytautas P. Bindokas, Ralph R. Weichselbaum, and Hans Schreiber

PNAS. 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1600363113