Movie S3.

Single-crystal growth from a levitated KDP solution. Initially unsaturated KDP solution drop is levitated, and its solute concentration progressively increases via evaporation. Once the degree of supersaturation exceeds S = 1, a crystal growth becomes possible. When a crystal seed forms, it subsequently falls to the bottom of the droplet due to gravity and proceeds to grow as a single crystal. Well-defined crystal edges are observed in the solution drop.

Multiple pathways of crystal nucleation in an extremely supersaturated aqueous potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) solution droplet

Sooheyong Lee, Haeng Sub Wi, Wonhyuk Jo, Yong Chan Cho, Hyun Hwi Lee, Se-Young Jeong, Yong-Il Kim, and Geun Woo Lee

PNAS. 2016. 113:13618-13623 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1604938113