Movie S3.

Diffusion of αTAT1-GFP on GMPCPP-stabilized microtubules. The movie shows a microtubule in red, and fluorescent αTAT1-GFP in green. Time-lapse images are collected every 380 ms. In this movie, motile αTAT1 GFP lands on a microtubule, diffuses, and then suddenly “jumps” to a nearby microtubule, consistent with diffusion on the external surface of the microtubules.

Mechanism of microtubule lumen entry for the α-tubulin acetyltransferase enzyme αTAT1

Courtney Coombes, Ami Yamamoto, Mark McClellan, Taylor A. Reid, Melissa Plooster, G. W. Gant Luxton, Joshua Alper, Jonathon Howard, and Melissa K. Gardner

PNAS. 2016. 113:E7176-E7184 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1605397113