Movie S5.

Intravascular monocyte–neutrophil interactions in an uninflamed glomerulus-intact kidney. Movie of a glomerulus in the intact kidney of an untreated 3-wk-old Cx3cr1GFP/+ mouse. Neutrophils (red, labeled with anti–Gr-1-PE) can be seen undergoing interactions with GFP+ monocytes (green) within glomerular capillaries (blue, labeled with Qtracker-655). (Multiphoton microscopy; duration in real time, 9 min, 30 s). (Scale bar: 10 μm.)

Patrolling monocytes promote intravascular neutrophil activation and glomerular injury in the acutely inflamed glomerulus

Michaela Finsterbusch, Pam Hall, Anqi Li, Sapna Devi, Clare L. V. Westhorpe, A. Richard Kitching, and Michael J. Hickey

PNAS. 2016. 113:E5172-E5181 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1606253113