Movie S1.

Membrane-anchored gliding motility at different motor densities with bulk rKin430-SBP concentrations of 0.63 µM (Top Left, S1.1), 0.13 µM (Top Right, S1.2), 0.07 µM (Bottom Left, S1.3), and 0.13 µM in nonhydrolyzable ATP analog AMP-PNP (Bottom Right, S1.4). (Scale bar, 10 µm.) Microtubule gliding velocity decreased with decreasing motor concentration and the respective trajectories became wigglier. In the presence of AMP-PNP, the microtubules anchored to SLBs via rigor motor binding were diffusing only, without any linear translocation (S1.4).

Transport efficiency of membrane-anchored kinesin-1 motors depends on motor density and diffusivity

Rahul Grover, Janine Fischer, Friedrich W. Schwarz, Wilhelm J. Walter, Petra Schwille, and Stefan Diez

PNAS. 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1611398113