Movie S2.

Whole-mount 3D imaging of CD31-immunostained blood vessels in a FAK Y397F embryo at E10.5. Rotation is around the craniocaudal axis (top down on movie). The DA is visualized as well as heart structures. Intersomitic vessels are not seen, however. Also, there is no web of smaller vessels in the area of somites as is observed in wild-type embryos.

Myosin-1E interacts with FAK proline-rich region 1 to induce fibronectin-type matrix

Joel B. Heim, Edwin J. Squirewell, Ancilla Neu, Georg Zocher, Sindhuja Sominidi-Damodaran, Saranya P. Wyles, Ekaterina Nikolova, Nille Behrendt, Ditte M. Saunte, Jorgen Lock-Andersen, Krutika S. Gaonkar, Huihuang Yan, Jann N. Sarkaria, Mira Krendel, Jan van Deursen, Remco Sprangers, Thilo Stehle, Ralph T. Böttcher, Jeong-Heon Lee, Tamas Ordog, and Alexander Meves

PNAS. 2017. 114:3933-3938 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1614894114