Movie S1.
AvrHah1 promotes the intake of water into the apoplast of X. gardneri-infected plants. N. benthamiana was syringe-infiltrated (circled areas) with X. gardneri (1), XgΔhrcV (2), XgΔavrHah1 + avrHah1 (3), and XgΔavrHah1 (4) (OD600 = 0.1) (1, bottom left area of the leaf; 2, top left area of the leaf; 3, bottom right area of the leaf; 4, top right area of the leaf, respectively). At 48 hpi, a 30-μL drop of water was pipetted on top of a small epidermal wound in the infiltrated areas (time 0:00). Water soaking was allowed to progress for 2 min and 20 s. (The time progression is depicted in individual frames in Fig. 1.)