Movie S1.

The 3D SC model from the diagram in Fig. 5. Two C(3)G homodimers (blue) and two C(2)M proteins (green) connect one sister subaxis (gray) of each homolog together. The two SCs are mirror images of each other, with Corolla (pink) positioned on the periphery and CONA (yellow) and the N termini of C(3)G in the center. We thank Ryan Kramer for illustrating this 3D animation of the SC.

Superresolution expansion microscopy reveals the three-dimensional organization of the Drosophila synaptonemal complex

Cori K. Cahoon, Zulin Yu, Yongfu Wang, Fengli Guo, Jay R. Unruh, Brian D. Slaughter, and R. Scott Hawley

PNAS. 2017. 114:E6857-E6866 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1705623114