Movie S1.

Snapshots from nine independent trajectories of MD simulations with different initial conformations. The C terminus of H-NS (amino acids 95–137) is indicated in green and the linker (amino acids 80–94) is indicated in magenta. All trajectories feature a stable attraction between DNA and the linker of H-NS. Key residues forming H-bonds are shown in stick representation and H-bonds are shown in red dashed lines.

Charged residues in the H-NS linker drive DNA binding and gene silencing in single cells

Yunfeng Gao, Yong Hwee Foo, Ricksen S. Winardhi, Qingnan Tang, Jie Yan, and Linda J. Kenney

PNAS. 2017. 114:12560-12565 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1716721114