Movie S3.

Sperm tend to swim close to the channel walls, whereas some, but a lesser number, are swimming progressively forward along channel centerline. These progressively motile sperm cover the distance until they reach the junction channel.

Live births from artificial insemination of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa characterized by trajectories correlated with fertility

Maria Portia B. Nagata, Kenji Endo, Kazuko Ogata, Kenichi Yamanaka, Junki Egashira, Naoto Katafuchi, Tadayuki Yamanouchi, Hideo Matsuda, Yuki Goto, Miki Sakatani, Takuo Hojo, Hirofumi Nishizono, Kenji Yotsushima, Naoki Takenouchi, Yutaka Hashiyada, and Kenichi Yamashita

PNAS. 2018. 115:E3087-E3096 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1717974115