Movie S1.

Expected collective movements of cohesin hinge at the south interface, as deduced by normal mode analysis using ANM2.1. Atomic models of the wild-type mouse cohesin hinge appear yellow (SMC1) and green (SMC3). The model of the S568E mutant, which is equivalent to Psm3-A561E, one of the Cut1 suppressors, appears blue to red depending on the amplitude of movement (red indicating large movement). Both atomic models were generated by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations for 100 ns starting from the crystal structure of the wild type (PDB code: 2WD5). Purple broken lines show distances between residues on helix I of SMC1 (V622 and F630) and those on helix E (M573 and D565) of SMC3 in the mutant. This movie shows that the mutation causes much larger movements of helices A and E and those of coiled-coils connecting the hinge and the head domains of SMC3.

Suppressor mutation analysis combined with 3D modeling explains cohesin’s capacity to hold and release DNA

Xingya Xu, Ryuta Kanai, Norihiko Nakazawa, Li Wang, Chikashi Toyoshima, and Mitsuhiro Yanagida

PNAS. 2018. 115:E4833-E4842 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1803564115