Movie S4.

Accompanying Figure 6B, formation of the persister cell within a microcolony. The cell stops growing after third cell division and retains mCherry-NirS at the poles, while growing cells continue diluting mCherry-NirS among daughter cells. Filmed at 4 fph, played at 5 fps.

A bet-hedging strategy for denitrifying bacteria curtails their release of N2O

Pawel Lycus, Manuel Jesús Soriano-Laguna, Morten Kjos, David John Richardson, Andrew James Gates, Daniel Aleksanteri Milligan, Åsa Frostegård, Linda Bergaust, and Lars Reier Bakken

PNAS. 2018. 115:11820-11825 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1805000115