Movie S2.

Schematic description of fabrication of an expanding roll actuator. Demonstration of actuation of an expanding roll actuator on a flat light bed at 3 kV and increasing frequency (1, 4, 7, 10 Hz). Demonstration of an artificial muscular hydrostat made of three columns of linear expanding actuators. The first mode of actuation is bending by powering a single column of actuators at 3 kV. The second mode of actuation is linear expansion by powering all columns simultaneously at 3 kV.

Realizing the potential of dielectric elastomer artificial muscles

Mihai Duduta, Ehsan Hajiesmaili, Huichan Zhao, Robert J. Wood, and David R. Clarke

PNAS. 2019. 116:2476-2481 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1815053116