Movie S1.

“Race” between several model bacteria paired with their efficiency-optimized flagella, their temporal swimming kinematics rescaled such that each dissipates the same flagellar power P¯0M , and their trajectories aligned in space. Morphologies are in order of decreasing Swimming Efficiency Ψswim : from top to bottom, ( ℒ, 𝒦) = (1.46, 0), (4, 0.7), (1, 0), (5, 0.975), (10, 0.5), (10, 0). Note the lack of correlation between Swimming Efficiency and the geometry (e.g. amplitude) of the swimming trajectory.

Motile curved bacteria are Pareto-optimal

Rudi Schuech, Tatjana Hoehfurtner, David J. Smith, and Stuart Humphries

PNAS. 2019. 116:14440-14447 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1818997116