Movie S2.

Movie illustrating SIMPLE polymerization of nonpurified NCAs in the presence of water. Nonpurified BLG NCA at a feeding [M]0/[I]0 ratio of 100 was used as an example. (a) The DCM solution of PEG–PBLG (1 mM) was mixed with aqueous buffer (pH = 7, water:DCM = 1:50, wt/wt), which was emulsified with a probe sonicator. (b) Nonpurified BLG NCA was dissolved in DCM (100 mM), which was treated with aqueous buffer to extract impurities (pH = 7, water:DCM = 9:50, wt/wt). Vortexing of the mixture (10 s) promoted the segregation process. (c) The w/o emulsion of PEG–PBLG was added into the mixture of NCA at 1:1 ratio to initiated the polymerization. Final condition: [M]0 = 50 mM, [I]0 = 0.5 mM, water:DCM = 1:10 (wt/wt).

Synthesis of polypeptides via bioinspired polymerization of in situ purified N-carboxyanhydrides

Ziyuan Song, Hailin Fu, Jiang Wang, Jingshu Hui, Tianrui Xue, Lazaro A. Pacheco, Haoyuan Yan, Ryan Baumgartner, Zhiyu Wang, Yingchun Xia, Xuefang Wang, Lichen Yin, Chongyi Chen, Joaquín Rodríguez-López, Andrew L. Ferguson, Yao Lin, and Jianjun Cheng

PNAS. 2019. 116:10658-10663 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1901442116