Movie S5.

Sensory neurons mis-target to the bulge in aged animal. Immunofluorescence of LRIG1 in white showing the hair follicle isthmus, and TUJ1 in red showing the sensory neurons mis-targeting to the bulge in aged skin. Five independent biological replicates were performed, shown are representative images.

The aging skin microenvironment dictates stem cell behavior

Yejing Ge, Yuxuan Miao, Shiri Gur-Cohen, Nicholas Gomez, Hanseul Yang, Maria Nikolova, Lisa Polak, Yang Hu, Akanksha Verma, Olivier Elemento, James G. Krueger, and Elaine Fuchs

PNAS. 2020. 117:5339-5350 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1901720117