Movie S1.

Time-Lapse Microscopy of MCF-10A Cells in Growth Media with OHT. 60 h time-lapse movie of MCF-10A cells with GFP cytoplasm (false-colored gray) cultured in growth media and treated with OHT at 0 h to induce Snail expression. Nuclear positions (RFP channel) tracked in Imaris are displayed as red spots, with 5 h dragon tail tracks to illustrate individual cell motion over time, scale = 100 μm.

Motility-limited aggregation of mammary epithelial cells into fractal-like clusters

Susan E. Leggett, Zachary J. Neronha, Dhananjay Bhaskar, Jea Yun Sim, Theodora Myrto Perdikari, and Ian Y. Wong

PNAS. 2019. 116:17298-17306 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1905958116