Movie S3.

Spanning Network Phenotype Observed in Self-Propelled Particle Simulation. A spanning network phenotype is obtained by simulating 100 proliferating cells with intermediate cell-cell adhesion (parameter A = 0.03) and random cell polarity force with magnitude, |P| = 0.003. The simulation domain has periodic boundary conditions. Individual cells are shown in red, cells with one or more neighbors are shown in blue and contact-inhibited cells (those in a cluster with four or more neighbors) are shown in green.

Motility-limited aggregation of mammary epithelial cells into fractal-like clusters

Susan E. Leggett, Zachary J. Neronha, Dhananjay Bhaskar, Jea Yun Sim, Theodora Myrto Perdikari, and Ian Y. Wong

PNAS. 2019. 116:17298-17306 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1905958116