Movie S7.

Simulation of CLas epidemic over a 10-year period based on an SECIR model (see text). Simulation considers three disease control strategies of HLB i) canine, ii) PCR and iii) visual survey to detect CLas-infections. Commercial orchard size is 16.2 ha (40 ac) with < 1% initial infection occurring initially on the southern border and simulated survey is conducted on 180 day intervals followed by removal of infected trees within 30 da post infection. Infected (I) class individuals are infectious and symptomatic whereas Cryptic (C) class individuals are infectious but asymptomatic. Comparisons of the three control strategies demonstrate improved orchard health and cost benefit of canine early detection. Corresponds to Fig. S21.

Canine olfactory detection of a vectored phytobacterial pathogen, Liberibacter asiaticus, and integration with disease control

Timothy Gottwald, Gavin Poole, Thomas McCollum, David Hall, John Hartung, Jinhe Bai, Weiqi Luo, Drew Posny, Yong-Ping Duan, Earl Taylor, John da Graça, MaryLou Polek, Frank Louws, and William Schneider

PNAS. 2020. 117:3492-3501 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1914296117