Movie S2.

Comparison of Pf4 structures with and without ssDNA (related to Fig. 2) Comparison of the 3.2 Å resolution Pf4 with ssDNA and 3.9 Å resolution Pf4 without ssDNA structures. Apart from the presence or lack of ssDNA in the inner cavity of the phage, the structures are remarkably similar with the gross morphology of the Pf4 filamentous capsid coat retained in the absence of ssDNA. Comparison of one CoaB subunit from both structures shows no conformational differences.

Phage liquid crystalline droplets form occlusive sheaths that encapsulate and protect infectious rod-shaped bacteria

Abul K. Tarafder, Andriko von Kügelgen, Adam J. Mellul, Ulrike Schulze, Dirk G. A. L. Aarts, and Tanmay A. M. Bharat

PNAS. 2020. 117:4724-4731 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917726117