Movie S2.

TIRF live imaging of caveolae in EHD2 +/+ MEFs (related to Fig. 4). EHD2 +/+ MEFs were transfected with pCav1-EGFP to detect single caveolae and afterwards TIRF live imaging was performed.

EHD2-mediated restriction of caveolar dynamics regulates cellular fatty acid uptake

Claudia Matthaeus, Ines Lahmann, Séverine Kunz, Wenke Jonas, Arthur Alves Melo, Martin Lehmann, Elin Larsson, Richard Lundmark, Matthias Kern, Matthias Blüher, Hannah Olschowski, Julian Kompa, Britta Brügger, Dominik N. Müller, Volker Haucke, Annette Schürmann, Carmen Birchmeier, and Oliver Daumke

PNAS. 2020. 117:7471-7481 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1918415117