Movie S1.
Example of Wallerian Degeneration of the Mauthner cell axon after two-photon laser ablation of its soma. Time lapse movie after ablation of the soma of the left Mauthner cell. The movie was generated from z-stack images that were acquired using a Leica TCS SP5 II two-photon microscope. Images were taken every 5 min for a total of 44 hours (area: 592 x 592 μm; resolution of 512 x 512 pixel, 400 Hz). Typical hallmarks of Wallerian degeneration consist of beading that sets in after a delay of about 22 hours after laser treatment and of granular disintegration of the axonal cytoskeleton (starting after around 35 h). A scale bar is shown on the bottom right and a time scale is shown on the bottom left. Note the countdown during the pre-ablation period that was added to highlight how quickly the soma of the Mauthner cell disappeared.
Removing a single neuron in a vertebrate brain forever abolishes an essential behavior
PNAS. 2020. 117:3254-3260 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1918578117