Movie S3.
Example of a zebrafish larva that successfully avoided the predatory strike of a damselfly nymph. Damselfly nymphs are important predators of zebrafish larvae in the wild and readily prey on them in the lab. In this example, the rapid escape did save the larva, but responding a few milliseconds later would have made it an easy meal for the nymph. A time stamp is shown in the lower right. Predator-prey assays are essential to (i) calibrate the survival value of changes in escape kinematics and (ii) to deliver a more realistic mixture of escape-relevant sensory stimuli than standard laboratory tests.
Removing a single neuron in a vertebrate brain forever abolishes an essential behavior
PNAS. 2020. 117:3254-3260 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1918578117