Movie S3.

Coexistence simulation of 100 chains of LAF-1 RGGshuf-pres, in a simulation box of size 250 nm x 250 nm x 250 nm at 250 K. One chain is highlighted by sequence composition where red is anionic, blue is cationic, white is hydrophobic, and green is polar. The highlighted chain diffuses freely through the protein-rich assembly.

Identifying sequence perturbations to an intrinsically disordered protein that determine its phase-separation behavior

Benjamin S. Schuster, Gregory L. Dignon, Wai Shing Tang, Fleurie M. Kelley, Aishwarya Kanchi Ranganath, Craig N. Jahnke, Alison G. Simpkins, Roshan Mammen Regy, Daniel A. Hammer, Matthew C. Good, and Jeetain Mittal

PNAS. 2020. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2000223117