Movie S2.

Animation of the passive numerical tracer (color) in the LES FRONT run, with contours of buoyancy (white, with interval equivalent to a change in density of 0.1 kg m−3). The bottom panel shows the net surface heat flux (red) and wind-stress vectors (black) calculated from shipboard observations. The stress vectors are shown in a coordinate system defined by the maximum depth-integrated currents, such that downstream is parallel, and cross-stream is orthogonal, to the Gulf Stream jet (as shown in the annotation). The current yearday is indicated by the vertical dashed line.

Enhanced mixing across the gyre boundary at the Gulf Stream front

Jacob O. Wenegrat, Leif N. Thomas, Miles A. Sundermeyer, John R. Taylor, Eric A. D’Asaro, Jody M. Klymak, R. Kipp Shearman, and Craig M. Lee

PNAS. 2020. 117:17607-17614 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2005558117