Movie S1.

The mobility of untreated control worms at day 4 of adulthood.

A natural product inhibits the initiation of α-synuclein aggregation and suppresses its toxicity

Michele Perni, Céline Galvagnion, Alexander Maltsev, Georg Meisl, Martin B. D. Müller, Pavan K. Challa, Julius B. Kirkegaard, Patrick Flagmeier, Samuel I. A. Cohen, Roberta Cascella, Serene W. Chen, Ryan Limboker, Pietro Sormanni, Gabriella T. Heller, Francesco A. Aprile, Nunilo Cremades, Cristina Cecchi, Fabrizio Chiti, Ellen A. A. Nollen, Tuomas P. J. Knowles, Michele Vendruscolo, Adriaan Bax, Michael Zasloff, and Christopher M. Dobson

PNAS. 2017. 114:E1009-E1017 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1610586114