Movie S2.

SBS-based modeling of the Shh locus from ΔCTCF i4:i5 cHiC maps 3D polymer model of mutant ΔCTCF i4:i5 limb cHi-C data. In comparison with the Movie S1, note the reduced proximity between Shh (black) and the ZRS (green), but also the increased proximity between Shh and Mnx1 (purple).

Preformed chromatin topology assists transcriptional robustness of Shh during limb development

Christina Paliou, Philine Guckelberger, Robert Schöpflin, Verena Heinrich, Andrea Esposito, Andrea M. Chiariello, Simona Bianco, Carlo Annunziatella, Johannes Helmuth, Stefan Haas, Ivana Jerković, Norbert Brieske, Lars Wittler, Bernd Timmermann, Mario Nicodemi, Martin Vingron, Stefan Mundlos, and Guillaume Andrey

PNAS. 2019. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900672116