Video 2

Thirty minutes after the addition of sperm to an explant, the beating of the tails of sperm held within two glands can be seen. The fluorescence video was taken using BZ-X GFP (OP-87763) filter set to see autofluorescence and then converted to grayscale using ImageJ (version 1.51j8). This is why sperm heads and the epithelial lining of the glands can be seen in this video. The video ( from the online version of the article is available at

Sperm enter glands of preovulatory bovine endometrial explants and initiate inflammation

Ihshan Akthar, Susan S Suarez, Vernadyn A Morillo, Motoki Sasaki, Mohamed A Ezz, Ken-ichi Takahashi, Masayuki Shimada, Mohamed A Marey, and Akio Miyamoto

2020. 159:181-192 DOI: 10.1530/REP-19-0414